Jumat, 30 Desember 2011

Remember eng ver lyrics by Bigbang

Ay Do you remember, remember? (x3)
A love gone bad is a crazy thing but how did it catch up to us
(I wish it'd go away)
Sometimes it makes me question myself, what did I get into
(but that's what love'd do)
Coz I don't even know who you are no more
and I can't even pick out your favorite stars no more
and I remember when I knew you, even better than you knew yourself

(We both looked out for each other)
For each other yeah
(In this world there was no other)
There was no other no
(What happened to our love that)
Even if nothin changes I just wanna remember ay

*Remember when we fought for each other
(Do you remember)
All we cared about was our love
(all we cared about)
Remember when the itty bit mattered
All that what happened to us do you remember
Remember when we fought for each other
(Do you remember)
All we cared about was our love (ooh)
Now I remember (ay)
One thing got in the (way)
Let's go back to the (day)

Do you remember
Do you ever reminisce of how excited you used to be (to see me)
To me the same with you, do you remember
(we couldn't be taken away from each other)
and I would call you & chattin all night
but now it's alright & that just ain't right (no)
We even let anyone & everyone get into our business
We tried to control this oh yeah
(we both looked out for each other)
We looked out for each other
(In our world there was no other)
(what happened to our love that)
Even if nothing changes I just wanna remember ay

Repeat *

Ay yo you use to be my partner, we use to be a team
Now I'm livin in the real while you livin in a dream
You use to be my queen, I use to be your king
You use to go to bath with me & we was livin happily
Now actually, I was on top of the world
and along side with me, at the top was my girl
and our whole change come like Fall to December
Even if nothing changes (Even if nothin changes I just wanna remember)

Repeat * Ay
Do you remember (x3) Ay


faktanya orang yang sedang jatuh cinta akan menjadi orang ternaif sedunia. dia mulai berandai-andai tentang 'aku akan mencintaimu selamanya', 'hidup dan mati bersama' atau 'aku tidak akan pernah meninggalkanmu' saat mereka sama sekali tidak tau masa depan apa yang ada dihadapan mereka.

faktanya orang yang sedang jatuh cinta akan menjadi lebih sensitif dari biasanya. sekecil apapun hal yang dilakukan oleh pasangannya membuat dia tersenyum, tertawa atau bahkan menangis.

faktanya, orang yang sedang jatuh cinta akan mengecek handphonenya lebih sering dari biasanya. karena dia mengunggu telepon, miskol ato bahkan cuma sekedar sms selamat pagi dari pasangannya.

faktanya orang yang sedang jatuh cinta akan senang bermain 'tebak-tebak buah manggis'. dia senang menerka-nerka ekspresi pasangannya sebagai suatu arti. 'kalo dia bilang ini apa artinya dia suka sama gue?' atau 'kalo gue kaya gini apa gue keliatan suka sama dia?'

faktanya orang yang sedang jatuh cinta akan lebih sering tersenyum-senyum sendiri saat bersama handphonenya. itu mungkin karena kata-kata manis yang dikirimkan oleh pasangannya.

faktanya orang yang sedang jatuh cinta menjadi lebih peka terhadap lagu-lagu romantis. 'eh kok lagu ini persis kisah cinta gue sih?'

faktanya orang yang sedang jatuh cinta akan lebih sering menangis diam-diam untuk pasangannya.

faktanya orang yang sedang jatuh cinta akan rela mengorbankan apapun untuk pasangannya. paling banyak mungkin uang, pulsa, dan waktu.

faktanya orang yang sedang jatuh cinta akan merasa uring-uringan jika pasangannya tidak membalas sms dengan cepat.

Minggu, 18 Desember 2011

Can't it be me?

When you cry because of sadness

The one who could cry together with you

Even when everyone in the world turns their back on you

The one who could hold your hand

Whenever you call, the one that runs to you

Why don't you know it's me

Can't I be the one?

Really can't I be the one?

I would make you smile everyday

The one who will watch over you until the end

Can't that person be me?

When you stumble because of pain

The one who embraces your scars

Looking far away

Even when you make me cry

The one who watches only you

For you

The one who will be happy even if everything is lost

Why don't you know it's me?

Can't I be the one?

Really can't I be the one?

I would make you smile everyday

The one who will watch over you until the end

Can't that person be me?

You are the one I want

You are the one I want to reach until I die

The reason I was able to go through the hard times

Because you were with me

Because I could love you

Can I wait for you?

Can I see you?

Until the day you come to me

Like the tears of my last moment

You are the one I remember

Can't you be my love?

Can't you stay with me?

reblogged from someone

Jumat, 16 Desember 2011

cerita kala uas

hola everybodeh, lama tak jumpa *peluk cium*
gimana uasnya? baikah? masih ssehatkah setelah uas berakhir? ato ada yang babak-beluk? yep. gue adalah satu dari mahluk hina yang babak-belur cuma gara-gara uas *betapa lemahnya gueeee* *bershower*

uas gue lima hari dari senen ampe jumat dan sehari tiga mata ujian. TIGA!! bayangkan saudara-saudara, TIGA!!!! dua aja udah megap-megap apalagi tiga. gue bahkan gak punya waktu tidur! okeh lebay~
pokoknya uas ini bagai lari marathon bagi gue yang gak pernah ikut kejuaraan marathon manapun sejak kecil ampe ntar akhir hayat gue mungkin. belajar buat satu mata ujian yang bahannya sebuku. oh hell yeah kali ini gue gak lebay. ini bener-bener sebuku! tau kan lo textbook yang guede-guede berat tebel yang bisa dijadiin jengkok? apa bahasa laennya ya mmm....kursi kecil yg suka dipake pembokat lo waktu jaman nyuci masi pake penggilesan. tau kan lo? buku macam itulah yang harus gue lahap dalam semalem buat satu mata ujian.
mata berair, otak gak sinkron, bibir pecah-pecah, perut mual dan keluar busa dari mulut adalah efek samping dari membaca buku kaya begituan dlm satu malem. jangan dicoba!!
dan hasilnya adalah:
  • basa inggris: cium yang bikin soal
  • biologi: sembah yang bikin soal
  • basa indo: abaikan yang bikin soal
  • matematik: gigit yang bikin soal
  • kimia: tampar yang bikin soal
  • fisika: bantai yang bikin soal!!!
huoh! gue bener-bener dendem kesumeet ama dua mata ujian terakhir!!! entah seberapa kuat keras tangguhnya gue menghapal rumus2 energi potensial kecepatan daya usaha, Mr Ar kecepatan reaksi dan segala-galanya pas gue ngadepin kertas soal, BYARRR!!!! semua buyar. menghilang. tenggelam. bumi gonjang-ganjing. sangkakala ditiup. dan gue gak berkutik di depan kertas soal. apa yang salah sebenernya dengan otak gue? *andai tanda tanya bisa dicapslock*

yah pokoknya kaya gitu deh kira-kira

Sabtu, 03 Desember 2011

posting kala hati tenang

speaker menggaungkan power of love-Celine Dion salah satu lagu kesukaan lo.

hari ini gak banyak yang bisa gue tulis.
pas bangun tidur tadi pagi entah apa yang sedang berlangsung dalam sel-sel otak gue, tiba-tiba TRING! satu kesimpulan muncul. sampe kapan pun gue cuma bakal jadi temen lo aja.

iya bener gue suka ngobrol sama lo. kalo udah ngobrol tuh rasanya udah kaya kaga inget waktu-tempat-pulsa-tidur. rasanya bener-bener menyenangkan. apalagi ngebayangin lo udah ngebuka diri lo perlahan-lahan buat gue, gue ngerasa sangat berterimakasih. gue suka tawa lo. yaaaa..kadang-kadang gue akuin klo gue agak iseng juga suka ngebuat lo panik sendiri. tapi demi apapun, ngeliat lo panik itu adalah hal terlucu yg bisa ngebuat gue lupa segala masalah di hari itu.
gue juga suka jawaban yg selalu lo kasih setiap gue ngajuin pertanyaan. bahkan pertanyaan paling aneh sekalipun selalu bisa lo jawab dgn cerdas dan ngebuat gue puas. dan perlu lo tau, lo adalah orang yg hangat. apa udah pernah ada yg mengatakan hal itu?

tapi gue mikir, kaya gini gak akan mendatangkan 'sesuatu' kan? beberapa teman jg mengkhawatirkan hal yg sama. tapi tidak. kali ini gue bisa jawab dgn pasti, gak akan.

jadi temen lo kaya gini aja udah cukup ngebuat gue seneng. gue gak mau ngotorin pertemanan ini dgn 'such a feel' yang nyampah kaya gitu. lo juga setuju sama gue kan?

jadi mari kita sama-sama menarik nafas lega^^

Jumat, 02 Desember 2011

If you're not the one

hey heyyy udah lama nih gak posting lagu bagus. iya gak? nih gue kenalin lagu lama ya g enaaaaaaknya gak ketulungan. enjoy it~

nih liriknya..

If you’re not the one then why does my soul feel glad today?
If you’re not the one then why does my hand fit yours this way?
If you are not mine then why does your heart return my call
If you are not mine would I have the strength to stand at all

I'll never know whatthe future brings
But I know you're here with me now
We’ll make it through
And I hope you are the one I share my life with

I don’t want to run away but I can’t take it, I don’t understand
If I’m not made for you then why does my heart tell me that I am?
Is there any way that I can stay in your arms?

If I don’t need you then why am I crying on my bed?
If I don’t need you then why does your name resound in my head?
If you’re not for me then why does this distance maim my life?
If you’re not for me then why do I dream of you as my wife?

I don’t know why you’re so far away
But I know that this much is true
We’ll make it through
And I hope you are the one I share my life with
And I wish that you could be the one I die with
And I pray in you’re the one I build my home with
I hope I love you all my life

I don’t want to run away but I can’t take it, I don’t understand
If I’m not made for you then why does my heart tell me that I am
Is there any way that I can stay in your arms?

‘Cause I miss you, body and soul so strong that it takes my breath away
And I breathe you into my heart and pray for the strength to stand today
‘Cause I love you, whether it’s wrong or right
And though I can’t be with you tonight
You know my heart is by your side

I don’t want to run away but I can’t take it, I don’t understand
If I’m not made for you then why does my heart tell me that I am
Is there any way that I could stay in your arms