Rabu, 18 Juni 2014

For The First Time in Forever

Hola readers, kali ini gue mau nulis tentang beberapa hal yang for the first time in forever. hal-hal yang baru pertama kalinya terjadi dalam hidup gue yang absurd. check this out yaaaa.....

1. Ojek Payung
for the first time in forever gue menggunakan jasa ojek payung.
akhir-akhir ini cuaca di Depok emang kampret banget. siangnya panas terik, sore tiba-tiba hujan badai dan gue bukanlah tipe orang yang demen bawa payung kemana-mana. berat coy. yaaaa, walaupun setelah post ini gue ngerti betapa esensialnya bawa payung itu.
jadi ceritanya sore itu ujan badai. gue udah nunggu hujan sampe agak reda kemudian pulang bareng temen. tapi lagi-lagi kampretnya cuaca di Depok, begitu ditengah jalan ujan deres lagi. untungnya temen gue bawa payung tapi karena kita jalan bertiga jadi yaa mau gak mau kita sepayung bertiga.
karena arah pulang temen gue berbeda, karena gue bawa laptop dan karena hujan tidak menunjukan tanda-tanda akan mereda gue memutuskan untuk berojek payunglah. tau kan ojek payung? gatau? oke, ojek payung itu anak-anak kecil yang biasanya muncul disekitar stasiun atau halte bus nawarin pinjem payung trus dia ngikutin kita dari belakang. iya, persis kaya gini

ojek payung from google 

tapi, yang paling gue heran dari ojek payung adalah kenapa saat anak-anak kecil itu minjemin kita payung dia ngikutin dari belakang dengan berujan-ujanan, padahal payungnya gede dan bisa dipake berdua. begitu juga yang terjadi pada gue.
si anak ini udah basah kuyup dan gue liat agak menggigil kedinginan. gue nyuruh dia mendekat supaya kita bisa pake payung berdua tapi dia gak mau. kenapa? katanya takut nanti bikin baju gue basah. tapi toh baju gue juga udah basah kan? yowis intinya dia gak mau payungan berdua sama gue meskipun udah gue paksa. akhirnya dia ngikutin dari belakang, berhujan-hujanan, dan menggigil. 

sekali lagi gue kasih tau ya, Depok itu kota paling kampret kalo masalah hujan badai petir. petir di hari itu guede banget!!! gue bukan tipe cewek yang takut petir tapi kalo lo sampe bisa ngeliat kilat tepat diatas kepala ya ngeri juga kali. 
pokoknya gue jalan dengan anak pengojek payung itu tepat dibawah petir. gue berkali-kali jerit-tutup mata-tutup telinga gara-gara petir sementara si pengojek enak banget jalan lenggang kangkung di belakang gue. akhirnya gue tanya: 
gue: kamu gak takut petir? 
dia: *geleng-geleng* 
gue: aku takut. kamu gak kedinginan? 
dia: *geleng-geleng* 
padahal giginya udah gemeletuk menggigil. 

akhirnya gue berhenti sebentar di warteg buat beli makan dan gue beli teh manis hangat. setelah sampai didepan kos: 
gue: berapa ongkosnya? 
dia: terserah aja kak
gue: ...... 

bener-bener gak habis pikir. 
akhirnya gue bayar dengan sejumlah uang plus teh hangat yang tadi gue beli.
malamnya, kejadian itu terulang berkali-kali dalam benak gue. percakapan singkat dengan anak yang gak sempet gue tanya namanya tadi seakan menampar gue. akhir-akhir ini kondisi gue sedang tidak bagus sebenarnya. gue sedang berada dalam fase 'bosan hidup' karena hidup terlalu kejam dan Tuhan tidak adil. tapi setelah sore itu, gue sadar bahwa masih banyak orang yang lebih tidak beruntung daripada gue. banyak anak kecil dengan kehidupan yang terlalu keras untuk dijalani oleh kaki-kaki kecil mereka. dan ternyata gue masih lebih beruntung. gue harus lebih banyak bersyukur :""" 

2. kartu ATM ketelen!!! 
ini juga kejadian yang for the first time in forever. kartu ATM gue ketelen!!!! 
jadi gini ceritanya, sore itu gue harus ngambil uang untuk suatu keperluan. setelah uang keluar dan struk keluar, gue ngambil dan baca dong struknya. berapa ya saldo sisa di tabungan, begitu pikir gue. nah disinilah ketololan itu terjadi. saat gue lagi baca struk, transaksi udah selesai which means kartu pun keluar. tapi entah karena gue yang terlalu khusyu' bacanya atau gimana, kartu itu masuk lagi kedalem mesin-keluar-masuk entah sampai berapa kali hingga akhirnya muncul tulisan: "maaf batas pengambilan kartu atm Anda sudah habis, kartu Anda kami tahan" WTF!!!! *tendang mesin atm* 

abis itu paniklah gue. panik sepanik-paniknya. akhirnya manggil satpam.... 
gue: mas, atm saya ketelen nih gimana dong? *panik mode: overload* 
mas satpam: mbak tadi kelamaan ya ambil kartunya? 
gue: iya...
mas satpam: oiya itu mah pasti ketelen
gue: asdfghjkl.... 

dear all readers, pernah gak sih lo liat caution atau warning tertulis yang bunyinya kira-kira: "caution: harap segera ambil kembali kartu atm Anda setelah transaksi selesai atau kartu Anda akan tertelan". ada yang pernah liat gak? ada gak??? semua warning yang gue liat bunyinya cuma: "harap ganti password Anda secara berkala untuk keamana" cuma itu! gak pernah ada yang mewanti-wanti tentang kartu yang ketelen. ah f*ck banget emang mesin atm! 
akhirnya gue telepon call center 14000. pas nelpon gue baru sadar kalo atm gue bukan berasal dari bank itu. ucettt daaah. setelah menunggu sekian lama bertemankan lagu mars bank yang sampe diputar dua kali sementara mba-mba custumer service nya mencari info tentang bank gue, akhirnya ketemulah nomor yang seharusnya gue hubungi yaitu 14040. huft. 
gue pun menghubungi nomor tersebut. setelah berpanjang lebar akhirnya sampailah pada satu kesimpulan bahwa atm gue harus diblokir karena kartu yang tertelan tidak akan mungkin dikembalikan. pas mas-masnya minta nomor rekening untuk diblokir eh tbtb sambungannya putus. ternyata pulsa gue habis sodara-sodara. yowis, beli pulsa dong sepuluh ribu, untungnya deket sm tempat jualan pulsa. huft lagi. 
di sambungan yang kedua, gue dilayanin sama mas-mas yang berbeda. akhirnya harus mulai dari awal lagi. mulai cerita, mulai jelasin duduk perkara masalahnya. sama mas-mas ini akhirnya atm gue berhasil keblokir tapi pas akhir di bagian konformasi tiba-tiba tut..tut..tut...pulsa gue habis lagi!!! 
karena udah kesel, gak sabar, masih kalut dan pengen nangis akhirnya bodo amat gue beli pulsa yang dualima sekalian! 

di sambungan ketiga gue balik lagi sama mas-mas yang pertama. 
oh gosh. dan itu artinya kita mulai lagi dari prosedur awal, mulai cerita, mulai jelasin duduk perkara dan konfirmasi bahwa atm gue sudah terblokir. mas-masnya sempet bilang: "mohon tidak diputus lagi ya mbak sambungannya" dalam hati gue ngedumel: ya salah siapa lagian yang lama banget ngangkat telepon? tau kan yang sebelum masuk ke costumer service biasanya ada mesin yang bilang: "untuk pelayanan dalam bahasa inggris tekan 1 untuk layanan dalam bahasa indonesia tekan 2" nah yang kaya gitu aja gue ngelewatin tiga ronde kalo gak salah. belom lagi disuruh nunggu bertemankan mars bank sementara mas-masnya nyari data rekening gue. gue sampe hapal kayanya mars bank itu -____-" ya gimana gak abis pulsa gue mas??!!!! *masih ngedumel* 

ya intinya sih ini pelajaran aja untuk semuanya. terutama untuk gue, dan untuk yang belom tau bahwa bank punya peraturan 'penting namun tidak tertulis' yang seharusnya semua orang tau tentang atm yang ketelen. trus tentang lamanya layanan yang menghabiskan pulsa. seharusnya layanan dipersingkat karena yang menggunakan atm bukan hanya bapak-bapak direktur tapi mahasiswa yang ngisi pulsa bisanya cuma sepuhrebuan macam gue. yah sudahlah. nasi sudah menjadi bubur dan gue harus bikin atm baru besok. 

apa ada yang pernah ngalamin hal yang sama kaya gue? apa kejadian yang for the first time in forever versi lo? sharing yuk :)  

Minggu, 15 Juni 2014

Untuk Beberapa Hal yang Telah Hilang

selamat pagi!
post ini gue buat untuk kalian, readers yang mungkin memperhatikan ada beberapa post yang hilang dari blog ini. untuk yang tidak memperhatikan, ya tidak apa-apa hehe.

sebenernya disini mau klarifikasi aja sih, kenapa post itu gue hapus dari blog ini walaupun sebenernya udah lama banget gue hapusnya dan kalian baru bertanya sekarang. ini tentang subjek yang terkait dengan post tersebut yang tidak terima cerita mengenai dirinya gue hapus. dia seorang teman. dulu. sekarang. dan mungkin di masa yang akan datang.

hey kamu, iya kamu. kamu bertanya kenapa aku menghapus cerita tentang kamu dari blog ini?

karena saat itu adalah saat yang berat. saat kamu pergi aku menangis. yaaa....walaupun tidak sebanyak saat hilangnya cinta pertamaku sih. tapi intinya, aku menangis dan aku ingin berhenti. aku ingin melanjutkan hidupku seperti juga kamu. namun aku tidak akan bisa jika cerita itu masih berada didalam blog ini. karena dengan membaca setiap entry, aku akan selalu teringat kepadamu. aku ingin menghirup udara segar. aku ingin membuka lembar baru dalam hidupku dan memulai cerita baru. karena itu, buku yang lama harus ditutup.

namun tidak berarti aku membuang buku itu. cerita tentang kamu, masih selalu akan aku ingat. semua pelajaran yang telah kamu berikan, aku akan selalu mengingatnya. aku ingin menjadi manusia baru yang terus berkembang. begitu juga kamu, aku harap begitu.
jadi, karena aku tidak terlalu bagus mengungkapkannya dalam kata-kata aku hanya bisa menulisnya.

Sabtu, 07 Juni 2014

Wall of Memories

i have a wall in my room, called Wall of Memories. because i am bad remember the moment, i made this wall. this is belong to every moments, every person in my life i dont want to forget. especially how they make me feel.  

Wall of Memories

you can see i stuck everything there. start with ordinary things such as postcards, memo, and quotes. but i have things you barely seen like mustache, or a paper trumpet, paper flag, or even the medal. you may be see it as a garbage but those things are precious to me. not the things, but the moment and the feeling back then.  

three smiley faces, cards, hearts, a drawing, quote, little elephant, and tickets 

do you see three smiley faces up this picture? they previously in my student center before it demolished. the very first student center i've ever been. not only the place matter most to me, but the people do. i met PSDM BEM FIK UI 2013 there. i met my family, and a home. they give me strength, they taught me many things til i get ready to build my own house in PSDM BEM FIK UI 2014. so everytime i see those smiley faces, i always feel warmth inside of me and our togetherness will never be forgotten. ah, how happy i was back then. or whenever i feel lonely i stare at the faces and it remind me that i was loved, and of course the feeling of being loved is the best feeling ever, don't you agree? the faces also told me to start the day with smile everyday. because everything will be alright with bright smile, people. 
next, you can see drawing, a little elephant, two tickets, hearts, and card right?    

quote and the drawing 

it said: "what you take from the earth, you must give back. that's nature's way" 
nice, isn't it? i got it from some event.....i cant remember. but the line is perfect so i stacked it right away. 

story of the drawing is a bit complicated. it's more romance. 
he's a man from architect major. it's a usual noon, when we sat together in library. technically, we're stranger. we just met that noon because some business and sat together. but we talked a lot. mostly about his life because i'm not a person who going well with stranger but he does. then when we talked, he grabbed my notebook and start drawing. actually my notebook wasn't clear because there're scratches here and there but he drew following my scratches and voila! a perfect drawing has born. 
i'm sure i already post about him in this blog before. about a man who refuse to be told 'from Padang' instead of Batusangkar. he's the man. and what respect me more is he's different. i dont know how to describe this, but he's outstanding (Sumatera Barat men are always outstanding for me, i told ya). not only his appearance but his personality too. he's smart, creative, has a big vision of future, and more. this is the very first time i (think)'m in love with someone just about two hours sit together and talk. actually my friend is beside me and when she read this post i'm sure she's gonna laugh till internal bleeding. yeah, i'm that stupid. 
and below the drawing, i wrote a short note, you can see there's a pile of green paper on the left side right? i wrote:
Suatu sore di perpusat
dua jam menghabiskan waktu 
dengan seorang completely stranger 
menunggunya selesai menggambar 
tidak pernah kulihat 
partikel udara mengelilingiku 
sejelas sore itu 

it's chessy i know. and now everytime i look at the drawing and the note, i always think about him. about how special he is. i hope i can meet him again someday and have a chance to talk just like old time because its seem impossible now with my tight study. and ever since, architect students are my favorite men. 
now, lets move on.  

two hearts, rose, and mustache

you maybe wonder why they're two hearts side by side. the pink one, i made myself. it form Styrofoam then i colored it. no big deal. 
the other one, the green one, is from my friend. he's one of my very first friend in this university. he is from Jawa Timur when i challenge him to not talk 'medok' he accepted and said we'll meet in three months and if he still 'medok' he should treat me. but that's never be true. he didn't show up. poor me. 
one day, our class is study about 'selling a ship'. we should make a ship from colored paper. when class break, he made a heart from colored paper and showed it to me. i was impressed and asked if i could have one of them, and he said yes. he said: "i'd rather make a heart and give it to you rather than a ship" 
okay, i blushed. but he never be my type. i mean, he's charming but....yeah. that's enough. 
and now everytime i look at that heart it reminds me of the very first time i'm being here. i was scared back then. i was full of worries because collage is different from high school and i didnt have many friends. but then he came, he showed me sympathy and i got my brave back. now, it's relieve that i have many friends, thanks to him. 

the rose came from my friend. Ana. she's the most inspiring friend i've ever met. being around her feels like being around light bulb. she's so inspiring that everytime i near her i can feel a light bulb poops on my head. ideas, creativity, spirit are always surround her and i love surrounding by that things. 
she made the rose....i dont know, maybe because she was bored. but i took the rose and brought it home. now when i see the rose i feel energetic and thankful because i get to know her and she's more like sister to me. 

the mustache is from my new family, PSDM BEM FIK UI 2013. i already post about them here, you can check it. 
yeah, i was thankful to know you. you are my family where i can be who i am without pretending and have any pressure. you are my inspiration. you are my strength when i weak. you are all matters to me. and a piece of green note in the left is from one of my family too. she's wrote it as 'love letter' hahaha. 

a baby elephant and a sweet note

a baby elephant comes from medical student. he's my classmate from Payakumbuh (who refuse-again- to generalize as 'Padang'). he has dazzling eyes. why i said dazzling? because i see his eyes like he wants to say something. like there's something important but you cant say, it will definitely shows in your eyes. yeah, like that. sadly, i cant hear what he want to said until the end of the module. poor me. 
one day, our class had team building when we had to draw in a giant of paper. i admit my drawing skill is not good enough when suddenly he grabbed my papers and drew an elephant on it. i was startled but i cant do anything. beside, its important paper that the drew. after he finished, i asked him where he drew. he finally realized he drew on my paper and he apologized. it was fun moment. i laughed out loud when he showed panic face. although its important, when i came back home i cut my paper and stacked the elephant.  
now, it reminds me of how hypnotize i am by his eyes. i can go follow him after class just to have small talk when i have another appointment waiting. i like to be in group with him because i can see directly into his eyes and it beats my heart. he's smart and he's good guy. i like him. or no, maybe more than like. i obsessed with him. you can see my post about him here, here,  and here. there's a lot.
but now i know it couldn't be true. i mean, who am i can be by his side? 
i call him rainy man. because everyday when we have class are always raining. he comes with rain, and goes in rain. oh gosh, i miss this guy.  

now, lets take a look at the other side of the wall 

postcards, invitation cards, a medal, tickets, tooth replica, and some quotes

i stacked the invitation cards because they're cute. i wont talk much about the invitation because it cost more space. so just skip this part, shall we? 

tickets and coupon

the first one is Botanical Garden in Bogor when i went there with my friends. i love to be outdoor, i love tree, and i've never been there so it was a good memory which i wont forget. 

the other two are from Korean Culture Day. i went there with my friend and it was a good memory too. it's more like a concert to me because S4 was performed as guest star. i never been to a concert so yeah, i like it. 

the last is a coupon from donating money. i dont remember why i donate but i was a good memory though. to share with people, to help them, i always like it so i stacked it to remind me the happiness that comes through sharing and share more. 

ticket and ticket

these two are special events. the first one is Jazz Goes To Campus where Depapepe, Raisa, Andien, and Tulus went to my university. it was a hot concert!! i never see my campus that crowd, its rare. that night were wet because of rain in the afternoon but the crowd not give up. they come and come and come. i squashed in the middle of crowd when my skinny friend go til front of the stage. she's insane. 
i gave up and go back watch from screen. well, its not bad tho. 

the other one is theatrical ticket when i saw drama plays with my friends. it was a great play! the story great, the act great, everything great. it called "Nyonya Zachanassian Pulang" and its about rich lady who come back to her poor hometown. this lady is likely to help develop the town but she ask for one requirement. when she was young, she was expelled from her town because she was pregnant by her ex-boyfriend. her ex-boyfriend in the other side, is used by mayor to make sure the lady gives her money. the story was complicated mix between past and future but i like it very much. 
i watch it with my best friend when the other best friend is taking part of the play. we have such a good time back then. we shared many story about our love-life in the way home. i trust her so i tell her everything. i hope she trust me too. 
on my way back home, rainbow appears. i cant catch with my camera but it's beautiful evening. after watch the show we dream to take our children to theater regularly. to watch and have a lesson about life as much as we do from the play.    

the medal and the letter 

no, i dont get the medal from championship, no. i made the medal, we made the medal. 
so PSDM BEM FIK UI 2013 has something called Amazing Race where we play games and refresh our selves from all study things. we made the medal for the winner and there's leftover so i just took it and brought it home :) 
it was a good times with everyone. we play, share, laugh and do many things like as we're family. it's great to feel one and love each other. that's what this medal always remind me. 

and the letter, it was given by my friend. its originally shape like a crane but i have to unfold it to read the message. it's sweet message. a thankful one because i have contributed to event and the project officer give this as present in the end of the day. 
everytime i read this i always thankful because there's someone who feel thankful because of my existence. its relieve and warm in the heart. 

the next one is postcards. i have two postcards on this wall. all from my besties.
i have wonderful besties here. the first one's been to Turk and the other will go to Egypt this summer. i envy them. i mean, who's not? 
but what make more wonderful is i can trust on them.  i trust them because they accept me the way i am. we come from different personalities but we complete each other. we help each other. we cheer each other. sometimes we fight but we always can fix it. sometimes i get mad and run away but i always back. i mean, i cant be in this wild-collage-life without them. 
but thats all yesterday. thats soooo yesterday when invisible barrier tears us apart. 
i dont know where to start but, this is now i'm feeling. lonely. 
now, there're no more lunch together, or text 'where're you? can we meet?" after class, or even a 'hi' when we pass. i dont know. what's wrong with me? what's wrong with you? what's wrong with us? is it just me or....dont you feel the same? because i feel lonely and insecure everytime. do i made a mistake? or the study just too tight that you cant barely reply my text or have lunch with me? i dont know. i dont know. this is wall of memories. i dont want us to be memory. i dont want that. 
now, i'm used to walk alone everywhere. its so quiet without you guys. everyone ask why i'm alone and im just saying that you're busy. i start to talk with other people but its not the same. i dont know how to talk because everytime i approach, you avoid me. what should i do?
this lonely feeling, is the worst feeling ever.

first postcard from Turk. 

she said that was called Girl Tower when king hide his daughter because she was predict to be killed by snake. the tower built on the island. the princess must be feel so lonely. eventually, the princess died because of snake. i dont know how the snake go to the tower but..yeah, its beautiful tower. 

Singapore postcard 

the invitation card 

the trumpet and the note. 

the note is another sweet note from PSDM FIK UI 2013. it said: 
"the difference between ordinary and extra ordinary is that little extra
tetap semangat jaro, semoga makin cetar membahana dan sukses segalanya. IP naik! hap hap hap"
and the trumpet was used for the writer's birthday surprise. we went to her place in early morning to make surprise with this trumpet. she's touched and hug us tightly. it was one of the best moment in my life. 

so, you've been sneak peek to my wall of memories, do you have one? will you tell me what is you best memories? because remember the feeling is the way to keep alive. 